Frequently Asked Questions


Flights & Travel

How do I get to the hotel?

  • The hotel is 20-minute drive (6 miles/9.6km) from the airport, approximately $27 USD Uber ride. The hotel address is Sheraton Boston Hotel , 39 Dalton St, Boston MA 02199. Attendee to coordinate own transportation.



Where are we staying?

  • Sheraton Boston Hotel, 39 Dalton St, Boston, MA. CLICK HERE to learn more about the hotel.


Do we get a special rate at the hotel before or after the event?

  • Quadient has negotiated a special rate of $259 USD/night + tax (single rate) at the Sheraton Boston Hotel from September 18 – 21, 2018. Rooms are limited and are reserved on a first come, first served basis. Please contact to secure a hotel room. 

Do I get my own room?

  • Yes, all attendees will have their own room.


Will you send me a hotel confirmation?

  • Hotel confirmation will be sent out by Sheraton Boston Hotel directly. For any inquiries please contact the hotel at 617-236-2000.


What are additional room charges for extra guests?

  • Attendees can choose from single, double, triple or quad rate for their room.
    • Single Rate - $249 USD/night + tax
    • Double Rate - $279 USD/night + tax
    • Triple Rate - $319 USD/night + tax
    • Quad Rate - $359 USD/night + tax


How do I change my hotel dates after I have submitted my registration?

  • Hotel changes can be made through contacting Sheraton Boston Hotel on the registration site. CLICK HERE.


What’s available at the hotel?

  • Sheraton Boston Hotel has indoor/outdoor pool, fitness center, spa & salon, car service, airport shuttle and concierge available. Please CLICK HERE to explore all of hotels amenities and features.



How much does it cost to register for the conference?

  • A conference pass is $499. All prices listed are in USD.


What time zone is Boston?

  • Boston is Eastern Time Zone (EST)


What is the average temperature in Boston in September?

  • Average for Boston in September is high of 22°C/72°F during the day and low of 13°C/55°F in the evenings.


What should I wear?

  1. Conference: Business Casual 
  2. Welcome reception at hotel: Casual
  3. Evening event at Fenway Park partially outside: casual (feel free to wear your favorite baseball team's jersey!)


Can my guests attend evening events?

  • Guests can attend the evening event on Thursday, Sept 20, 2018 located at the Fenway Park. To register your guest CLICK HERE. For any questions regarding registering your guest, please contact


Are meals included for my guests?

  • Meals are provided during the conference for attendees only. To find meal options near the hotel CLICK HERE.


What can I do in Boston?


Email for further inquiries.